Make The Most Of Your
Vacation Benefit
What is a Vacation Benefit?
A vacation benefit refers to the vacation benefit credit a member earns while working under covered employment.
Vacation benefit credit is payroll deducted by hours worked during each pay period in accordance with the applicable collective bargaining agreement. This is an “after tax” benefit, so employers deduct the vacation portion from the members wages to purchase and withhold payroll taxes from the members’ wages. Each June, members are eligible to redeem their Vacation benefits online on carpdc.org. For every hour payroll deducted, the member will receive that amount in either direct deposit or check form once the member authorizes his/her Vacation benefit statement in late May. Online redemption requires members to have a personal carpdc.org account. Accounts are available to participants only.
Refer to the general Benefit Office FAQ for directions on setting up a personal carpdc.org account.
Log into your Member Portal to update your address, or
Complete this pdf form to update your address and return it to Carpenters Benefit Office.
Complete this form to authorize the Vacation Fund to pay, from your current years’ vacation benefit, the Carpenters’ Scholarship Fund the amount designated. You must complete a new form each year.