Pension Plan
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Pension Plan

St. Louis Pension Plans

St. Louis Pension Plan participants, learn more about your coverage and participation, credited and vesting service, plan rules, types of retirement benefits, optional forms of payments, as well as how and when to apply for your retirement benefits.

St. Louis Pension Summary Plan Description (SPD)
for participants with service
prior to 5/1/2020

Who We Serve

The Carpenters Pension Trust Fund of St. Louis (St. Louis Pension Plan) currently serves more than 13,000 active and vested deferred participants, along with over 7,000 present pension recipients. It is one of six pension plans that serve the members of the Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council.

The St. Louis Pension Plan is administered by the Mid-America Carpenters Regional Benefit Services (this Fund office). All other pension funds linked below have been included for your convenience and are administered separately.

The St. Louis Pension Plan was established for the Carpenters’ District Council of St. Louis (St. Louis Council) on May 1, 1969. Since then, several councils have merged and several pension funds merged into the St. Louis Pension Plan.

These Mergers Are Summarized As Follows:

September 1, 1979:

Lathers’ District Council merged with the St. Louis Council

July 1, 1980:

Wood, Wire and Metal Lathing Industry – LIU General Pension Plan (Local 73-L/9073) merged with the St. Louis Pension Plan

May 1, 1994:

Floor Layers District Council merged with the St. Louis Council

May 1, 1994:

Carpet, Linoleum, Hardwood and Resilient Tile Layers Local Union 1310 Pension Plan (Local 1310) merged with the St. Louis Pension Plan

May 1, 1995:

CDC’s Shops and Mills Pension Plan (Locals 795 and 1596) merged with the St. Louis Pension Plan

October 1, 1998:

Southeast Missouri District Council merged into the Carpenters’ District Council of Greater St. Louis & Vicinity. St. Louis began to administer benefits for the SEMO health and pension plans.

May 1, 2001:

Southern Illinois Carpenters’ District Council merged with the St. Louis Council*

May 1, 2005:

Southern Illinois Carpenters’ Pension Plan merged with the St. Louis Pension Plan

*Note: Southern Illinois Carpenters’ District Council had members who participated in two separate pension plans: Southern Illinois Pension Plan and the Carpenters’ Pension Plan of Illinois (often referred to as the Geneva Plan), administered by the IEBC (Independent Employee Benefits Corporation) in Geneva, IL. At the time of the merger, Geneva Pension Plan participants were given a one-time-only to either declare the St. Louis Pension Fund at their Home Pension Fund or to keep the Geneva Plan as their Home Pension Home Fund.

July 8, 2008:

Carpenters’ established Electricians’ Local 57 which participates in the St. Louis Pension Plan

July 20, 2010:

Carpenters’ District Council of Kansas City merged with the St. Louis Council*

*Note: The Carpenters’ District Council of Kansas City had two pension plans: The Carpenters’ District Council of Kansas City Pension Fund and the Kansas Building Trades Open-End Pension Plan. These pension plans continue serving members in those regions.

October 13, 2015:

The St. Louis Council became the St. Louis-Kansas City Carpenters Regional Council (STLKC CRC) to more effectively identified the region it served. The STLKC CRC served all of Missouri and Kansas and the southern third of Illinois.

September 27, 2021:

The St. Louis-Kansas City Carpenters Regional Council merged with the Chicago Carpenters Regional Council to form the Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council (MACRC). The combined council now represents more than 50,000 working men and women across Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Eastern Iowa.

*Note: St. Louis, Kansas City and Chicago pension funds continue to be administered separately. 

The table below highlights a general guideline for Pension affiliation by Local Number:

formerly 412, 607, 1008, 1875, 1987, 3202

St. Louis Pension Plan


St. Louis Pension Plan

formerly 73, 73-L/9073, 602, 1739

St. Louis Pension Plan

formerly 5, 47, 185, 417, 2119

St. Louis Pension Plan


Kansas City Pension Plan

formerly 169, 433, 480, 636, 638,640, 662, 1361, 1997

St. Louis Pension Plan

formerly 295, 377, 633, 634, 664, 1186, 1535

Initiation on or after 5/1/2003: St. Louis Pension Plan;
Initiation prior to 5/1/2003: option of St. Louis or Geneva Pension Plan; Local 1186, Shop Employees, does not have a Pension affiliated with Carpenters

formerly 110, 311, 945, 978, 1925

Kansas City Pension Plan

formerly 777, 1127

Kansas City Pension Plan

formerly 1181, 1310

St. Louis Pension Plan

formerly 201, 918, 1445

Kansas Building Trades

formerly 716, 1529

Kansas City Pension Plan

formerly 795, 1596

St. Louis Shops Pension Plan;
Some Shops Employers do not participate in the St. Louis Shops Pension Plan

formerly 1770, 1795, 2020, 2214

St. Louis Pension Plan

formerly 1839, 2298

St. Louis Pension Plan