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Carpenters Wellness Center testimonials & tutorials
Carpenters Wellness Center Testimonial: Molly Geigle
Molly came to Carpenters Wellness Center for a different healthcare experience and now she shares her experience with anyone who will listen. From medical to chiropractic, and physical therapy to behavioral health, you will find that when you visit the wellness center, the Carpenters Wellness Center team treats patients like family. Not only will they help you schedule multiple appointments during one visit, they also follow up to make sure you’re getting the most of what you can from the services they provide. Molly’s story is extraordinary, but it’s also the typical St. Louis wellness center experience.
Carpenters Wellness Center Testimonial: Larry Hanes
Larry struggled to get through his workday with debilitating pain. With the treatment and guidance of the team at Carpenters Wellness Center, Larry is now able to participate in life at a whole new level. He is forever grateful for his transformative recovery and says he owes it all to his care team at the wellness center.
Carpenters Wellness Center Testimonial: Tom Bryant
Tom thought his career in carpentry was over, until he stepped into the wellness center for an unrelated issue. After inquiring if the providers in the wellness center could also help his chronic back pain, he began treatment soon after and realized it was the best decision for his health and career that he could have made. Two years later, he’s back doing the things he loves and plans to continue to work for many years to come.
Carpenters Wellness Center Testimonial: Clint Cope
Clint found the value in calling Carpenters Wellness Center his medical home with care he had never experienced before.
Carpenters Wellness Center & Carpenters’ Medicare Advantage Participants
Did you know that participants covered under Carpenters’ Medicare Advantage program under the STL-KC Health Plan are able to utilize some services in the wellness center and still see significant savings? Participants who have transferred their prescriptions to Carpenters Pharmacy Center report a savings of hundreds of dollars per month.
MAC Regional Benefit Services tutorials
How to set up your carpdc account
Video tutorial: To access the carpdc member portal to access your secure benefit hours reports and Vacation Redemption information, you will need to first set up your personal account on carpdc.org.
Vacation Redemption 411
Video tutorial: This short video explains eligibility for Vacation benefits, how to access the member portal on carpdc.org to see your hours and redeem your benefits, and more.
Vacation Redemption process: tutorial
Smart phone video tutorial: This video walks you through the process of redeeming your Vacation benefits earned as a part of your benefit package working under the jurisdiction of the St. Louis-Kansas City Carpenters Regional Vacation Plan on your smart phone.
How to redeem your Vacation benefits
Video tutorial: Watch this video for a short tutorial on how to redeem your vacation benefits earned under the St. Louis-Kansas City Carpenters Regional Vacation Plan.
Heath Plan: How to earn Initial Eligibility
Learn how participants may earn initial eligibility under the St. Louis – Kansas City Carpenters Regional Health Plan.
Health Plan: Continuing Eligibility
Watch this video to understand how to continue eligibility under the St. Louis – Kansas City Carpenters Regional Health Plan after you’ve first earned initial eligibility under the Plan.
MetLife Financial Education pre-recorded videos
MetLife Financial Education: Smart Money Moves in Your 20s & 30s
10 tips to set yourself up for financial success, covering many topics that are especially relevant to those in their 20’s and 30’s.
Movimientos financieros inteligentes a los 20 y a los 30
10 consejos para prepararse para el éxito financiero, que cubren muchos temas que son especialmente relevantes para las personas de entre 20 y 30 años.
MetLife Financial Education: Smart Money Moves in Your 40s, 50s, 60s and Beyond
There are 10 key practical financial and retirement planning tips to consider in your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond. This workshop will cover them all, from managing taxes and having the proper asset allocation to setting realistic goals.
Consejos financieros para sus 40, 50, 60 años y mas
MetLife Financial Education: A Parent’s Guide to Kids and Money
For many of us, as children, discussing money was off-limits. But times have changed. In this workshop, employees will learn ways to teach their children good money habits and how to make good spending, saving, and investing decisions.
MetLife Financial Education: Preparing to Care for an Aging Parent
Current and future caregivers should understand their roles and responsibilities. This workshop covers the 10 steps to take to help prepare to care from starting a conversation and assessing needs to creating a plan and finding support.