Humira Brand Coverage Update
Dec 19, 2024
A message from Mallory Makeever, DC, & Todd Hackney, DC
Let’s talk about foam rollers! First of all, what is a foam roller? A foam roller is a roller used to stretch, massage and mobilize soft tissues and joints. It is composed of firm yet resilient foam. Foam rollers come in various sizes, shapes, and densities to accommodate different needs and preferences. The benefits include relief of tight joints and sore muscles through the pressure and movement of the roller. Studies have shown that foam rolling can improve range of motion and can counteract delayed onset muscle soreness. You can use a foam roller on all parts of the legs except the back of the knee and kneecap, upper, lower and sides of the back; even a small roller could be used on the neck for posture! Some studies have demonstrated that people who foam rolled one leg also reduced muscle pain in the other. You can use a foam roller daily, a few minutes at a time in the areas described above. If you experience any pain when using a foam roller, consult your doctor before proceeding.
Here are some examples of stretches for your foam roller. If you want to work on spinal mobility, first start by placing the foam roller horizontally behind your back. Sit on the ground in front of the foam roller then lower your back onto the foam roller. Place your hands behind your head and allow your back to arch over the roller. Then lift your hips and allow your back to roll up and down the roller. Stop and arch over each segment of your spine to improve your spinal mobility. Another great stretch you can try is for the hamstrings. Sit on the ground and place the foam roller under your hamstrings. Place your hands behind your body on the ground with your fingertips facing towards your feet. Then use the roller to roll out the hamstrings. You can do this same movement on your calves. Pro tip when rolling the calves, place one calf on top of the other for more weight and therefore, more pressure onto the calf for a deeper stretch. There are so many other ways to use a foam roller! It is such a versatile tool and it is a great thing to add to your exercise and stretching regimen in between visits to your chiropractor.
If you have any questions on other ways to use a foam roller or need help with musculoskeletal ailments, make an appointment with the chiropractic department at Carpenters Wellness Center. To schedule an appointment with a Carpenters Wellness Center chiropractic provider, please call 314.955.WELL (9355).
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