Continuing Eligibility Rules: Look-Back Rule Updated
Mar 13, 2025
Join your fellow Brothers and Sisters for Carpenters’ Second Annual Smokeout Challenge this November, not only for a chance to quit tobacco but a chance to win.
If you smoke, you likely know the negative consequences of smoking and how it directly correlates to your health. Smoking and even chewing tobacco is a habit, so no matter how much a tobacco user may feel the desire to quit, the step into the actively quitting is a very difficult step to take. The smoking habit is often is accompanied by a very strong, yet often unrecognized emotional attachment. For this reason, quitting smoking may be one of the most difficult yet rewarding things you do for yourself this year. In fact, according to the American Cancer Society, it takes any smoker an average of five – seven quit attempts before a smoker is able to successfully quit tobacco because – truth be told – it’s hard. So, let’s do this together. Every attempt counts.
Join us for an opportunity to quit tobacco and earn a $50 Amazon reward.
Ready to quit? Let’s get started.
What should you expect from Carpenters’ Smokeout Challenge?
Start Date: 11/9/2020
Week 1: Understanding My Smoking Habit
Week 2: Preparing to Quit
Bye-Week: THANKSGIVING, no new tasks to complete
Week 3: Overcoming Urges
Week 4: Maintaining a Smoke Free Life
Must End Date: 12/21/2020
What is the Great American Smokeout?
The Great American Smokeout is an annual event sponsored by the American Cancer Society (ACS). It is held on the third Thursday of November, which this year falls on November 19. This event focuses on encouraging Americans to quit tobacco smoking, but here at Carpenters, we’d like to help you quit any tobacco products. People are challenged to stop using tobacco for at least 24 hours assuming that their decision not to smoke will last longer, hopefully forever.
Today, more than 43 million people in the United States smoke cigarettes, which is about 1 in 5 adults. Different people quit smoking in different ways. There are those who quit abruptly and completely and those who cut back gradually. Some people need substitutions and distractions to suppress cravings and others need special medicines. No matter which approach you choose, the Great American Smokeout is the perfect occasion to make the first step. Of course, if you have already decided to quit smoking, you don’t have to wait till November, but you can join us for the celebration anyway!
Consider joining us for the November Smokeout Challenge and check out Carpenters Wellness Program now. It’s where all the QUIT magic will take place! Consider grabbing a few of your buddies or family members and join this challenge together.
Continuing Eligibility Rules: Look-Back Rule Updated
Mar 13, 2025
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