This information is intended for Active participants, pre-Medicare retirees, and Medicare Advantage participants who have elected dental coverage.
Effective May 1, 2025, Carpenters Dental Center, located inside Carpenters Wellness Center-St. Louis, operated by Onsite Dental, will be part of the Delta Dental PPO Provider Network.
What this means for Carpenters Dental Center patients
Dental coverage at Carpenters Dental Center will be the same as dental coverage at any in-network Delta Dental PPO provider’s office. Services and supplies provided by Carpenters Dental Center will be billed to Delta Dental using the Delta Dental PPO fee schedule, subject to copays and coinsurance as outlined in the Premium and Basic Dental Plan Schedules of Benefits, whichever applies to the patient’s coverage. Carpenters’ Dental Plan’s Schedules of Benefits may be found on our website:
Premium Dental Plan Schedule of Benefits
Basic Dental Plan Schedule of Benefits
As a reminder, Premium Plan participants and dependents are free to obtain covered services and supplies from providers in Delta Dental’s PPO or Premier Networks or from any non-network provider; however, the plan allows for higher benefits (you pay less out of pocket) in the PPO Network. Basic Plan participants and dependents have PPO and Premium coverage only.
In-network Delta Dental providers are listed on our Delta Dental website at: