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A Fond Farewell

Carpenters Benefit PlansLaurie Sievert, Communications Manager | Aug 20, 2024

A well-deserved retirement after 39 years.

Ron Laudel, Benefit Plans Administrator,
Retired May 2024

After 39 years of devoted service, Mid-America Carpenters Regional Benefit Services (MACRBS) Benefit Plans Administrator, Ronald W. Laudel, retired on May 31, 2024, and leaves a legacy that our entire MACRBS team is committed to upholding.

Ron Laudel began his career with Carpenters in May 1985, when former Executive-Secretary Treasurer of the Carpenters’ District Council of St. Louis, Ollie Langhorst, “gave Ron a shot,” as Ron explains it. Grateful still today, Ron learned the ropes from the bottom up, learning to appreciate the union, with all its operating parts. The lives of the union members became the cornerstone focus of Ron’s career. After a short time as Assistant Administrator, Ron was appointed as Benefit Plans Administrator in March 1993.

Enhancing Members’ Lives
Our Vision. Our WHY.

As Administrator, Ron rejected recognition for his efforts, always putting the focus back on the hardworking members of the regional council. Ron insisted team dedication to “deliver the best benefits to the most members for as long as possible,” in all situations. He wanted to make a quiet impact, the kind you can’t feel take place and that “just is.” This focus became our organizational mission and will remain the core of who we are and how we operate as your benefits’ service organization, even as Ron heads off into the sunset.

Extraordinary Service | Driving Innovation | Deep Commitment
The legacy. Our Mission.

Throughout the past 39 years, whether national, union, health or pension plan-related, change has been a constant. Regularly, the Boards of Trustees were required to make hard decisions to improve the future of the plans we administer, and it was up to Ron and his team to guide the trustees. He did so always thinking of the future of the benefit plans and all potentially impacted members.

Sitting down with Ron during the last week of his onsite work, Ron’s passion and humility led the conversation. He will tell you he was just one piece of the puzzle. He gives all accolades to his strong executive teams and partners throughout the years and thanks all of them – you know who you are – for their dedication and support. But, for those of us who know Ron well, he was truly the rudder that kept us in line and often the raft that kept us afloat. We are thankful for his leadership, guidance, and mentorship. Because of Ron’s dedication and instruction, the well-trained executive team will continue his efforts to keep the plans strong, to invest in our members, and to always provide the best benefits and service we can to as many as we can for as long as we can.

Thank you, Ron, for your service. Now, enjoy your well-deserved next chapter!

So, who is standing in leadership for you now?
Watch for more executive team spotlights in upcoming Builder issues.

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